Perth Goodies

this is all I got

I didn't have time to go shopping in Perth, so what I did was I bought some stuffs here and there. On the last day, I manage to get 30mins to shop at Priceline, my favorite beauty stuff shop in Melbourne when I was studying there. It's kinda like Watsons? but they have more variety & much cooler than Watsons (which is just like Guardian, blah).

The first thing I bought in Perth was Dolly & Girlfriend magazine which came with goodies like a mp3 speaker in purple and girlfriend gave out Gossip Girl promo dvd of some snippets and bonus features. You can buy the magazines in Malaysia but the goodies don't come with it *sad*
At night, when the City becomes DEAD after 5pm (shops closed at 5pm in Australia!) I will read the magazines. I was really interested in the Neutrogena's WAVE power cleanser that deep cleans, advertised in the magazines. At first I was like huh what is this thing, looks cute but uh what is it? Apparently it's a deep cleanser with foam pads. All you need to do it on it and yeah it deep cleans your face. I WAS LIKE WOW! ok! cool? maybe I don't need facials anymore with this gadget? The introduction price was AUD16.99 and retails at AUD19.99. I bought it on the last day at retail price sigh. Refill is AUD15 can u believe it? but it has 30 pads. The kit has 14pads. I don't think Malaysia has it yet.

I will try this sometime this week & give a review!

I manage to grab some Lip Smackers too, my favourite lip flavour lip balm! I looked all over for it while in Perth but only manage to find it in Priceline on the last day before the shop closes! PHEW.. they're from U.S but still Malaysia don't sell them so Australia is the closes. I bought several lip smackers to give as souvenirs for my friends. Serene got the first one today, Smacking Strawberry flavour. Met her at Stila Parkson KLCC and we went crazy over the sales. Hope u like it Serene!

Lip Smackers! you don't know how fabulous it is


  1. Girlfriend magazine is now available in Malaysia. When I was in Melbourne I love to visit Priceline even without a reason :P

  2. Cool stuffs! Wanna visit Priceline now! ;)

  3. Hehe, I live in Australia :) Priceline is the best :p

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