Stila BU restocks!

Q at 10.30am
(did not budge for 1 hour)

I was there at 10.30am, it never occurred to me that I should come earlier as the SA told me not to come early and that she will packed everyone's order. Turns out she did not pack anybody's order and our order list was left behind one pile. Instead what happened was those who came early got the top of the cream. There was 30 people ahead of me. I waited 2 hours only to reach the counter. By the time I could get my orders, it was 3 hours already. Almost everything was gone.

I met Wendy & Shirley Ann, they kept me company during the long wait. It was fun standing in the Q with you girls! at least to keep me from going crazy. Nice meeting u girls! and I hope you got what u wanted.


I rejected a few things today because of the manufacturing date. Please be careful and check it? Stila is trying to clear everything including old stuffs. They probably dig whatever that's hot now ppl wan and sell it too. I rejected several items manufactured in 2004 & 2005. IMHO if a item is already more than 3 years old don't buy please as you're going to probably keep it for another 1 year? Quality control yeap! LOL. Probably certains items can still be used but for lipsticks and face powders, I rather not used too old stuffs.

After the mad wait at Stila, Mizz Ayna arrived and we went to grab some at TGIF. Ayna had the Friday's Sundae and I had my lunch & drink. We chit chat about her work as a tadika teacher (Wahhh!! wife material! hehe) and about girl stuffs. At 2.30pm we went to watch the movie "He's Just Not Into You". We liked the movie very much! It's just what I imagine it would be and quite "educational" to women haha! Some parts are so touching it made me cry a bit & some parts I feel like killing the "husband-stealer". My favourite character is GIGI. She's so optimistic and adorable! Don't want to spoil it too much for u girls! Here's some camwhore pic haha.

omg i look preggers here?


  1. hi miu, can i have ayna's contacts? I am looking for a tuition teacher for my son. wonder if she's interested??

  2. OH!! ok let me ask her first if she's ok about me passing her contact to u yap!

    where do u stay btw? pj? kl? cheras?

  3. "Q at 10.30am
    (did not budge for 1 hour)"

    --> i believe it was caused by e 1st few ladies in front. they bought sOoOoOo much.. and taking orders frm frens at e same time on e phone.

  4. lol zera! u were there? the ladies were taking their time there, but it should be controlled by the SA. They were too relax when they started opening counter, as if it's like normal daily sales. Can slowly choose colour and ask a lot questions. It should be fast, what u want, ok this that bang bang ok finish off u go.

  5. and i also ordered some stuffs from 1U Chuisy last week but they did not even call me. I was at 1U on Friday night asking about my order, the SA said to go back on Saturday as they were in the midst of sticking price tag on the new stocks. Their system is all wrong. Why bother to take orders in the 1st place??

  6. YS: did u go today?!

    i ordered also last week and when i wanted to come on friday, she told me don't come coz they need pack all the stocks for orders etc bla bla. Come Sat/Sun better.

    Sigh! turns out they don't bother about the orders! and asking us to come later somore? Lucky i push myself to be there at 10.30am if not, BYE BYE ADIOZ!

    KLCC had one stack of orders. Whoever come can write down n give the order to SA who will call out name one by one. Those who place order earlier few days, and not there get packed n put in cupboard. KLCC finish doin everyone's order in 2 HOURS.

    This BU take 10 ppl order 1st HOUR! arghhhh

  7. i went to the outlet in pavillion today at about 1 something. there were about 8-9 girls all browsing n testing colours simultaneously. it wasnt too bad, as there were 3 SA's too. too bad i only managed to get one convertible lips n cheeks today. the lipstick and foundation shade, and smoky eye palette were all outta stock. thought of going to BU tomorrow but im thinking its gonna be crazy as hell. any idea if they will be re-stocking again?

  8. no, luckily i did not go. i only thought of going at about 9pm, when i was free. but in the end, didn't go at all.

    since u got me the trio, i figured don't want to waste my trip there only to find out nothing left.

    and can i pick up my 4 items and pay you today? at night probably.

    let me know. u can sms me also. thks!

  9. i went to BU last night around 8pm..i didn't know the stock came at the morning.
    but i do realize that i missed the restock session when i saw boxes here and there..
    but the SA was so kind, that she gave my friend the red stila box to match with her wedding theme. we were thrilled :D

    anyways, i really want the eye remover pad..anyone thinks want to sell it off?

  10. OMG, I look funny not cute la, hehhe =P u yg nampak kawaii, flower2 lagi, hehhhe =P I eat ice cream again today, and now can't even zip my jeans, hahahha =D

  11. Miu, do you think they still have the Petal Infusions's eye makeup remover pads? Do you know where I could get it? Btw...are those brushes that cheap? I see you got a lot for yourself but you didnt put in the price.

  12. harim: haha sorry for the late reply. I saw u at klcc that day u bought some already. So did u contact Shirley Ann? sorry i dun have her contact no. to pass to u. Only email.

    Glammor: HMMM by now i dun think they have it. U have to wait for restocking next week. The brushes is for my wedding, i got extras for my friends, mom and auntie. They're rm30-40. Very cheap compare to original retail price of rm100-rm300 (for different sizes/use).

  13. Ayna: u look cute lah!!! btw ada orang nak u tuition but u stay in cheras can't right?

    YS: sorry babe Ayna stay in cheras no car somore. Kenot tuition lah it hink.

    Ancient: i think the busiest would be klcc, then BU then the rest of the counters. They've been restocking every week so u can hop on to find out or call them first b4 going over. Save time this way.


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